2022 OAA Juried Show Artist Information
Show Details: Please read the instructions
The show will be held at Bohrer Park Activity Center 506 S Frederick Avenue ,Gaithersburg, MD 20877 from November 18, 2022, through January 29, 2023.
Our juror for 2022 is Glen Kessler, owner and director of The Compass Atelier in Rockville, MD. For more information about Glen go to https://www.gkessler.com/. For more information on The Compass Atelier go to http://www.thecompassatelier.com/
The town of Gaithersburg will take a 30% commission on all sales. There will be no bin work at this exhibition. The town of Gaithersburg also requires signing a Hold Harmless Agreement. The date field on the Entry form is your agreement to the Hold Harmless Agreement.
Deadlines for entry: October 18th to November 1, 2022.
Hold Harmless Agreement: Effective Dates: November 14, 2022 to January 29, 2023 Members of the Olney Art Association who have been selected to exhibit must agree to the terms below. shall defend, indemnify and hold The City of Gaithersburg , its officers, employees and agents harmless from and against any and all liability, loss and expense (including reasonable attorney ’s fees), or claims for injury or damages to the artwork displayed at for the duration of the exhibit, but only in proportion to and to the extent such liability, loss, expense, attorney ’s fee or claims for injury or damages to the artwork are caused by or result from the negligent or intentional acts or omissions of Gaithersburg , its officers, employees or agents. By filling out the form on this page the artist agrees to the terms of the Hold Harmless Agreement.
How to enter: 1..Fill out the form on this page (which includes signing of the Hold Harmless Agreement) and push the SUBMIT button to register the form. 2. Send your images in an email to freddiweiner@gmail.com. along with your label information. OAA needs to pair titles of artworks with labels and there is difficulty when artists do not send label infos with images. 3. Push the Pay Exhibit Fee button to pay the exhibit fee of $15 online. This is a flat fee for one to three entries.
Presentation/Framing: Remember that in addition to technique and originality, our juror will be looking at your finished presentation. Although framing is influenced byend personal preference, there are some general guidelines for framing art to be presented in a show: cleanliness (clean mats & glass), mats should be neutral, i.Pushee., white, off-white, cream. Frames should not overpower the art and be in good condition with securely attached hanging wire.
Label Your Artwork: Each piece must be identified on the back with your name, title of art, medium, your address, phone number and email.
Drop off Artwork: November 14, 2022 10:30 to 11:30 AM
Reception Date: December 1, 2022, 7 to 8:30 PM
Pick-up Unsold Work:: January 29, 2023, 10:30 to 11:30 AM
After filling out and submitting the form, click one of the buttons below to pay your fee: ($15 flat fee for 1 - 3 artworks) Entry is completed when both entry form and fee payment are complete, and the images have been received by the Exhibition Coordinator. Thanks for your entry and enjoy the show!!