2024 Jurors Award - Sandra Bourdeaux, “White Iris”, OAA 50th Juried Exhibition at Sandy Spring Museum
Our Mission
The Olney Art Association (OAA) located in Olney, Maryland, USA, and founded in 1974, is a professional, learning, creative community of visual fine artists whose expertise ranges in a variety of media, such as oil painting, watercolor, acrylics, pastel, colored pencil, pen and ink, printmaking, mixed media, sculpture, ceramics, digital art and photography.
Membership Form and Fees
To join OAA or renew your membership please fill out the form below and click the SUBMIT button which will take you directly to the STORE page where you can pay your yearly fee. OAA membership fee is $40 a year renewable in January of each year.
OAA Membership Benefits
Olney Art Association has been active for more than 40 years. See the button to the left for a history of our organization.
OAA holds membership meetings on the second Monday evening of January, March, May, July, September and November.
Our meeting location is now The beachKraft Gallery, 18200 Georgia Avenue, Olney, MD. It’s on the 2nd floor of a small mall next door to the Verizon store. It’s on your left going north from Rte 108.
The membership meetings are informative and include art demonstrations by well-known artists and other presentations aimed at giving the members a wide spectrum of new ideas and motivation for their own work. Among the members of OAA are art teachers, some of whom instruct and hold workshops within Montgomery County. These visual fine artists have a wide range of interests including oil painting, watercolor, acrylics, pastels, printmaking, sculpture, pottery, photography and digital art.
Members receive a bi-monthly newsletter which is a valuable resource of information about area art shows, workshops, general art news, member activities and monthly meeting updates.
OAA sponsors an annual juried show at various venues and a semi-annual show at Sandy Spring Museum and/or Brookside Gardens.
Members may show one image in the Member Gallery on our website and may also show images of works exhibited in our shows on our website.
OAA cooperates with other art, business and government organizations to provide members opportunities to exhibit at local offices, businesses and public spaces.